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Treatment + Diagnosis

 Physiotherapy offers a variety of top quality treatment and diagnosis, carried out at your home in London. We offer home visits in Central, North and West London, but we can also carry out the treatment at your work place or at your hotel.

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Physical Therapy

Can a physiotherapist Diagnose?


Physiotherapists are primary healthcare providers that focus on the assessment of neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, and cardiorespiratory systems. Their scope of practice includes the diagnosis of diseases or disorders associated with physical dysfunction, injury or pain, and the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention or relief of physical dysfunction, injury or pain to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment function and promote mobility. So while physiotherapists can diagnose, they must only diagnose diseases or disorders associated with the musculoskeletal system. They are not able to diagnose diseases or disorders associated with other systems such as the cardiovascular or neuromuscular systems. However, they can help treat individuals with cardiovascular and neurological conditions with techniques within their scope of practice, such as exercise.

Senior Physiotherapy


After one of our highly specialised physiotherapist has diagnosed your pain or ache. Specific treatment is carried out. For example ankle tendinopathy will have shockwave therapy, stretching and ankle specific exercises and advice.  Additional expectations are spoken on rehab time frames as well as restrictions to normal day to day 

Physical Therapy Session

Expectations and back to sports or work

After the initial consultation, rehabilitation plan should be discussed including, the amount of physiotherapy sessions. The time frame for full return back to sports, in addition to restrictions on day to day such as wearing insoles or no running etc

Satisfaction Guarantee

Top quality physiotherapy, in the convenience of time and place that suits you. Book today and get same day appointments

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