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Care Home Physiotherapy 

 Physiotherapy offers a variety of top quality elderly care physiotherapy. all of this carried out at your home in London. We offer home visits in Central, North and West London, but we can also carry out the treatment at your work place or at your hotel.

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What is Care Home Physiotherapy 

Home Physio offers a wide range of nursing home or care home physiotherapy services. For residents who are unable to visit our clinic, we can come in and offer them private treatment. For care homes who would benefit from their residents receiving regular physiotherapy treatments, we hold contracts with care homes and can come in regularly to treat their residents. We also offer regular exercises classes to encourage residents to stay active and improve their mobility. It’s not just the residents we can treat; we also offer our services to the care staff through an occupational health service.


What does Care Home Therapy consist of?

The benefits include:

  • Assessing residents’ mobility and rehabilitation needs

  • Identification of the most appropriate walking aids

  • Identification of residents at risk of falls and implementation of measures to minimise this

  • Increased confidence and mobility of residents leading to reduced care needs and reliance on care staff

  • The resident’s progress will be observed, measured and recorded

  • Regular liaison and hand overs with care staff

Our physiotherapists will work alongside the nursing and care staff to ensure the residents needs are being met and the service provided is being optimised for the best results. We will work closely with the homes carers to help them to encourage and support residents to continue their exercises.

Joint Pain Treatment

What else do we offer?

Exercise classes

A core element of our care home physiotherapy service is providing tailored exercise classes to care home residents to encourage them to stay active and maintain their strength and balance. We understand the importance of independence and encourage residents to maintain their mobility. The classes are designed to suit the abilities of the residents.

Occupational health

We offer occupation health services to care home workers. Often we see care home workers with complaints such as back pain or knee pain from lifting and supporting residents. By introducing an occupational health service, you could reduce your levels of sick leave due to any musculoskeletal issues.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Top quality physiotherapy, in the convenience of time and place that suits you. Book today and get same day appointments

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